In its operation our agency is guided by the Code of professional and ethical principles in the field of Public Relations, follows the norms and principles of Lisbon professional code and CERP Athenian ethical code.
The PR agency is an active member of Russian Public Relations Association (RPRA). The Managing director and partner of the agency Philip Gurov is a member of executive board and a chairman for an IT committee of RPRA.
The PR-agency is an associated member of Russian Communications Consultancies Association (AKOS).
The agency grants active support to the International Association of Business Communicators, IABC. Philip Gurov is a board member of IABC Russia, heads a committee for innovation technologies in communications.
We also support many projects of the Russian Association for Public Relations (RASO). For several years our employees were members of the governing bodies of the Association. The Agency is honoured by numerous diplomas of RASO.